За горой Химос, прямо у подножия Лосиной горы, среди дремучих лесов расположен туристический уголок « усадьба Лосиная», по-фински Ресторан Hirvikartano. В этой лесной глуши уже тысячи лет обитают лоси. Желаем гостям насладиться профессионально и безупречно приготовленной деревенской едой для гурманов! Из ближнего леса собраны грибы, из ближайшего болота собраны морошка и клюква – они дополнят впечатления и вкусовые ощущения.
Хозяева усадъбы: Ёукко и Сусанна Партио Рады приветствовать Вас!
Moose Manor serves you fresh and tasty country-gourmet without any gimmicks. Game, handpicked mushrooms and berries from the nearby woods and fish from the lake Päijänne will give your tastebuds a grand experience!
You can meet mooses, fallow deers and reindeers from eye to eye. You can even can get kisses from animals. Animals are in their natural environment.
Stars twinkle, closeness to nature, heavenly flavors of the open fire, within the massive timber walls. Inside the hut we can organize a memorable meeting, Christmas party, feasts or a customer event.
From the hightlights of your life to get-togethers of any reason – we`ll cater your parties! HimosCatering provides catering services around Himos and Jämsä city area.
Get a new kick for your business meetings. Moose Manor provides inspiring surroundings from 2 to 50 persons meetings. A different office day for your company.
There are three moose at the Moose Manor at the moment. Cow moose Annikki, two handsome bulls Jorma and Matti-Esko.
They all have their own personalities, and getting to know them has been a pleasant experience for us. All of them are named after famous Finnish singers!
Fallow deer has been a popular parks «decorative deer». Moose Manor has five cute adult fallow deers — Harri, Päivi, Katja, Onni and Immonen.
At the moose manor we have two reindeer girls, Malla and Saana. They were born in June 2014 in Ähtäri zoo. Now they live together with a herd of fallow deer in harmony in the same corral.
happy stomachs
HimosLomat has been building and developing the Himos Holiday Center for over 20 years. From the beginning, our operations have concentrated on the accommodation, safari, programme, and restaurant services in Himos, all year round. Himos Central Booking offers you a choice of 3400 bedplaces, ranging from executive standard villas to holiday cottages of many sorts, Himos Hotel, Lakeside motel Patalahti Inn and Riihivuori cottages. Hirvikartano is working closely with HimosLomat.