Opening hours

MooseManor Winter Season Announcement 2025




We are open from Tuesday – Saturday 12:00 – 20:00

You do not need to book a visit in advance. The price of the entrance ticket allows you to get to know the Moose, reindeer and fallow deer. In addition, the restaurant offers hot drinks and gingerbread.

You can get to know the animals by booking a visit in advance.

Out of season, the restaurant serves various private events all year round by reservation in groups of a minimum of 10 people.

Out of season, book a time for a deer tour in advance. All tours are guided and include treats offered to the Moose, reindeer and fallow deer.

Reservations by calling or booking on our website

Contact us and ask!
+358 400 488 779 Or
Zoo entrance tickets 15€/adult & 7€/12 years old and under

We warmly recommend Bistro Merry Moose restaurant in Jämsä citycentrum when we are not open 🙂

Adress: Keskuskatu 2-4  Jämsä


Thank you!